Unexpected loc.sg. in High Latvian

Aigars Kalniņš


This paper investigates ā-stem locative singular endings in the High Latvian dialects. It is shown that the phenomenon of labialization of inherited largely rebuts the traditional comparison of Low Latvian loc. sg. with High Latvian because in most dialects we in fact expect , ‑ôa or ‑uô instead. Following an alternative line of thought, this “unexpected” loc. sg. is rather identified with loc. sg. -ai and a new sound law is proposed, according to which word-final, unaccented *-aî is widely monophthongized to . Apart from the locative singular the effects hereof are also seen in navâ (< *navaî) ‘(there) is not’ and perhaps also visâ (< *visaî) ‘particularly; entirely.’ The etymological identity of LLv. -ai and HLv. is also suggested by the fact that -ai is attested right along the isogloss for unexpected —a distribution that is very similar to that of -ai and its cognates -ei, and -ȩ etc. in Kurzeme. As a result, loc. sg. *-ai appears to be significantly more widespread than previously assumed, while the isogloss for *-â is accordingly narrowed so that it only includes LLv. ; HLv. , a, -uô, etc.; and at least part of the High Latvian dialects that attest but have no regular labialization.

DOI: 10.15388/baltistica.59.1.2546

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